Thursday, 28 July 2011

Every dress tells a story ✄ - - - - Bird Dress

" Dundelina stands by the neighbour's fence looking at his apple tree. It is old, crooked and full of moss. From it's branches hang the biggest and most red apples she has ever seen. Mmmm they smell so good! Dundelina has asked her neighbour many times if she could taste some, but he always say NO! And he is always watching them closely. But today the grumpy neighbour has fallen asleep under the tree. Dundelina decides to take her chance! She takes on her bird costume and jumps on the tree hiding as a bird. Chirp... chirp..."   Excerp from the book Dundelina and the apple tree by Roalkd Kaldestad.


At dundelina you always have too look twice to find out if there is something more hiding in your dress. Look inside the pocket of your bird dress to discover the bird that is hiding inside it. matching this dress with our wing blouse!


  1. L♥ve this outfit! I think my daughter might wear it to town tomorrow, as we go to check out the tall ships race.

    Have a great week end :)

  2. Lovely!!!
    Looking forward to pictures if you want to send us some! Hope you enjoyed the race!!!
